Get the source
- Get Xen source (version 4.2 aka xen-unstable development version)
- Get QEMU upstream source from:
- Recommended: xen-stable-0.15 qemu branch
- git:// xen-stable-0.15
- Announcement of the "xen-stable-0.15" qemu branch and more info here:
- Other option: Anthony's git tree used for development
- git://
- Recommended: xen-stable-0.15 qemu branch
- Example for "xen-stable-0.15" branch
- git clone git:// qemu-dm.git
- cd qemu-dm.git
- git checkout -b xen-stable-0.15 origin/xen-stable-0.15
Build it!
- Build Xen
- make xen tools, if it fail see bellow.
- Build QEMU upstream with Xen
- For xen-unstable.hg versions between 23412:996c7726a376 and 23632:33717472f37e you will need to copy path_to_xen/tools/libxc/xc_e820.h to $path_to_xen_source/dist/install/usr/include" for configuration script to work. After 23632:33717472f37e xc_e820.h was squashed into xenctrl.h
- ./configure --enable-xen --target-list=i386-softmmu --extra-cflags="-I$path_to_xen_source/tools/include -I$path_to_xen_source/tools/libxc -I$path_to_xen_source/tools/xenstore" --extra-ldflags="-L$path_to_xen_source/tools/libxc -L$path_to_xen_source/tools/xenstore"
- make
Troubleshooting compilation errors: If you get an error from configure like "ERROR: User requested feature xen ERROR: configure was not able to find it" then see this: , ie. you need to point the paths for "configure" to xen source directory, not to xen dist directory.
Run it!
- Add "device_model = path/to/new/qemu" in your VM configuration files.
- This have been change in the latest xen-unstable tree: now use:
- device_model_override = '/root/work/qemu/_build/i386-softmmu/qemu'
- device_model_version = 'qemu-xen'
- This have been change in the latest xen-unstable tree: now use:
- Replace /usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm by the qemu present in i386-softmmu/qemu of the build of QEMU.
- with the last xen-unstable, device_model_version = 'qemu-xen' is needed in the guest configuration file.
Now xl will always try run qemu upstream with seabios, so build xen with seabios.
- For troubleshooting device_model related errors (Xen specific options -domain-name, -vcpus, etc) see:
Use with SeaBIOS
- Get SeaBIOS from git://
- As of commit ee2bc468cbc7 in that tree no patches to SeaBIOS are required.
- You can take the .config file here to put in the root of your source tree
- and build SeaBIOS (make).
- In xen-unstable source tree, add the file .config with SEABIOS_DIR = /path/to/seabios. If this does not work a temporary hack is to modify the SEABIOS_ROM path in tools/firmware/hvmloader/Makefile to point to path_to_seabios/out/bios.bin
- Build Xen, at least make tools to update the "xen-bios"
- tips: make -C tools/firmware clean before make tools to take into account the new SEABIOS_DIR parameter.
- Run it!