Renew ip address for DHCP client

Tags: Network   DHCP  

I had a wierd situation recently, could get the ip address, set up apt.conf and proxy correctly, but could not connect network, could ping a inner desttop, then my friend found that it responses twice when ping this ip, so it probably is that the ip is used by other people stactly, so I need to get a new automatic ip address, here is what I did,

leon Published by 2015-12-15 17:52

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Tags: Network  

traceroute 有使用两种:使用ICMP的和使用UDP的。Microsoft使用ICMP,所以win95上发出的traceRT应使用的是ICMP,但我没有用 sniffer查过;其它包括unix和cisco router都使用UDP.

leon Published by 2015-04-19 23:09

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