Developing apps compatible with all iOS devices

Tags: IOS  

As you might already know, iOS is the operating system that runs on iPhones, iPod Touches and iPads. The first iOS device was the iPhone and was released in January, 2007. Back then the operating system was called "iPhone OS". Since that time more devices were released running iPhone OS than just the iPhone. This is why a while ago Apple announced that the operating system would from that point on be called "iOS" instead.

When you’re developing an app for iOS you most probably are focusing on just one specific device with a specific version of the operating system. For example you’re developing for iPhones running iOS 4.2. If your only target audience is iPhone users then this is good enough. But you could make you’re app support other devices and iOS versions as well. This would extend the target audience for your app. As it turns out, it isn't much of a hassle to do so!

leon Published by 2011-03-23 01:41

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Tags: VisualStudio  

对比Visual Studio C++每一代,变化最大的莫过于编译器和库,尤其是从(事实上也是好几年前的东西)Visual Studio 2003开始,编译器对标准C++的支持提升了不少,编译速度也有了很大的提高。可是无论当应用层面的开发进化到了何种层面,标准C运行库(以下简称CRL)都是程序最最底层的实现

  按照MSDN的说法在VC++ 2005中,C\C++运行库(比如MSVCM80.DLL)都储存在在Global Assembly Cache(Nearly WinSxS)。不过Martyn Lovell(Visual C++ Team Software Development Lead)在他的Blog上写了一片名为《Why does VC8 install libraries to WinSxS》文章详细的以一个设计者的角度解释为什么这样做。一些比较关键的章节如下:


leon Published by 2011-03-21 13:41

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Tags: Script  

好的,我们承认:从来就没有谁发布过完美的操作系统。(嗯,如果任何来自 Microsoft 的人这么问,我们可是不会这么说的。明白吗?)在操作系统发布后,总是会找到各种缺陷。不幸的是,我们同时也会找到各种安全漏洞和易遭受攻击的薄弱处。没 有人喜欢发现缺陷这个事实,但是生活就是这个样子。没有人愿意切到自己的手指,但是万一你真的切了自己的手指,你不会坐以待毙,你肯定会翻出急救包然后给 伤口上绷带。同样,如果一个操作系统需要类似的措施时,你应该翻出急救箱给系统装好升级包。

leon Published by 2011-03-09 05:24

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Tags: Script  

Microsoft 的员工生活在虚幻的世界中,这是针对 Microsoft 员工的批评之一。意思是说我们这些 Microsoft 员工只是关注各种理想情况而对于系统管理员真正需要面对的实际问题却从不考虑。这可能适用与某些 Microsoft 员工,但是至于我们对系统管理员所面临的问题一无所知这种说法,Scripting Guys是有意见的。而且也有许多其他同仁同意我们的看法。例如,就在今天早上坐车来上班的路上,我们对司机说:"Bentley,你认为 Scripting Guys是生活在虚幻的世界中的吗?是不是在系统管理员有需要的时候总是不能提供帮助?" "我不这样认为,"Bentley说,"绝对不是这样的。" 毕竟我们认为他是这么说的。说实在话,由于坐在后排的 Jacuzzi 的说话声音过大,我们听得并不是很清楚。

leon Published by 2011-03-07 05:19

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